Snowpiercer, a horribly stupid movie reviewed in the beauty of haiku.

4 thoughts on “SHITFEST 2015: SNOWPIERCER (2013)

  1. Yeah dude.I’m not gonna lie, I’ve gone back and forth on this one (haven’t seen it yet), but the look of Tilda Swinton is enough to make me scoff at this thing. I guess I’m just looking forward to seeing Chris Evans in anything but Captain America. how does he do in the film? Is he bad too…?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hahaha Swinton is probably the best part of this movie! There is no arguing with its flaws that is for sure, but it does has some things going for it. I’d give it at least one try, its certainly a unique movie, both in terms of its narrative and its bucket-load of flaws!


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