Video Reaction to the New Star Wars Teaser!

We’ve received thousands of your cards and letters since the teaser trailer for Star The Force Awakens Wars came out last week wanting to know our reaction to it. First, the teaser trailer itself, in case you missed it or weren’t aware of it, which is entirely understandable.


Wow, did you see Soccer Bot and Little Leia’s USB Driver and the Millenial Falken? We totally weren’t expecting Stormtroopers, X-Wings and lightsabers to be in this movie! Well, no words we can type here can do it justice, so here, for your pleasure, is our official videotaped reaction to this footage of things we’ve seen before and may or may not be good now:

13 thoughts on “Video Reaction to the New Star Wars Teaser!

  1. Pingback: STAR WARS BLOWOUT!! | Hard Ticket to Home Video

  2. Pingback: Schlocktoberfest XI – Day 14: Videodrome | Hard Ticket to Home Video

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