Today’s Headlines presented by Death Bed! 10-18-2013


It’s the last day of the week before the weekend, when you can lay in Death Bed for two straight days while you’re slowly dissolved!

There’s going to be a Hot Wheels movie, because we don’t have enough car movies lately. Death Bed once digested a clown car packed with clowns. It’s a funny story.

Michael Fassbender, star of the upcoming Assassin’s Creed movie, apparently barely knows what a video game even is, much less what Assassin’s Creed is about. Always a good sign.

Mark Wahlberg attaches blame as to what’s holding up the Entourage movie that nobody awake, asleep, or dead cares about.

[And now, another bedtime story! This one was made by the wonderful Natasha Harmer with her own little hands!]


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